Foil Near Miss

February 03, 2017 2 Comments

Foil Near Miss

By now you have probably seen this footage. I was foiling in about 22-25knots of breeze, on a 9m F-One Diablo V2 and Taaroa Sword2 foil.. Initiating a gybe, I let the kite get too far above me while changing feet, and fell in to windward of my board. What starts out as an every day crash got pretty real, pretty fast.

Caution: This video contains bad language.

Game Over from Hack Productions on Vimeo.

For those wondering WHY I didn't pull my safety. Firstly, from when I realised that the kite was looping and what the cause was, it was only a split second later I was mid flight with the board attached to me. When the kite began the second loop, I reached up and grabbed the bar, regaining control of the kite. I saw this as just as good of an option as pulling my safety. I then recovered and went back to the beach, unmarked but a little shaken up.

Regardless, I knew my safety release was there should I decide to use it. I could have used it and just as likely been hit in the back with the foil as it accelerated past me, attached to the kite.

Happy foiling!



2 Responses


February 23, 2017

Spencer, no worries at all. This is a freak occurrence that we couldn’t replicate if we tried… not that we’d want to! Drew


February 18, 2017

Thanks for sharing this and explaining what happened. It was a real eye opener for a beginner like me as to how quickly things can go wrong. Good to, ee you’re ok.

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